People like to talk a lot about high school being the best years of your life, or college being the best years of your life, or the time you spend travelling, or your first new town and new job, but what they're really saying is this:
The best years of your young life are the ones in which you start to finally become your own person. When you start to try new ideas instead of the ones the authority figures in your life tell you you should. It is the time when you make your own mistakes, learn your own lessons and make your own discoveries. it is the time in which you really start to learn your body and your sexuality. It is when you learn the limits of what you will do in the search for a good time. You will never again be as outgoing and fearless in your life as you will during this time, and that's usually because life hasn't had a chance to shit on your head and teach you fear, humility and respect, but that doesn't change what it is - your coming of age.
This is what people mean when they talk about the power and beauty of youth. This is what old people mean when they say that youth is wasted on the young. This is a truth that most people won't learn, let alone be aware of, even as they go through it in their own way.
It is different for us all, and the same. This is the time when you learn who you are, what you are and why you are those things. This is when you will try to make yourself into a completely new person, and yet, in the end, probably still become one or both of your parents. It happens.
Try everything you want to and at least a few things that scare the living shit out of you. Pay close attention to the consequences, not only of your choices, but of the choices of everyone around you. Learn why things go wrong, and why things sometimes go right. Learn that most of the time, things will work out if you let them and that most of the rest of the time, things will work out if you put in the effort. Learn that sometimes there is nothing you can do. Learn that money is necessary, but not important. Learn that not all friendships last forever, and that the ones that last forever aren't necessarily the best ones, or the ones that will define you.
Some nicknames never go away.
Public speaking is a lot easier than it seems. It's still scary as fuck for most people.
When you're twenty, you think you'll be able to think that way forever. You can't. Everyone gets old eventually. Fight it and keep an open mind.
People who have done the same thing - the same job, the same friends, the same hobbies, the same sex - their whole lives are usually afraid of new things. They don't think they are, but they are. That's why sudden changes in clothing, hair, music and acceptable sexuality offend them so much. Jesus doesn't hate fags, they do.
The less you learn, the harder it becomes to learn.
You are not the first person to have the feelings you are having. You're not even the only one having them right now. Your life will not work out the way you think it will, and even if you think you have no idea how it will work out, you're still wrong. You are a beautiful and unique snowflake with beautiful and unique experiences, just like everyone else.
A relationship without trust is not worth having. Some people will stay together because they don't know any different. Actually, lots of people stay together because they don't know any different. Love isn't possession. Love is a best friend who wants to play with your naughty bits as much as you want to play with theirs.
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