Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fade Into the Shadow the Hedgehog

Recently, say about a month ago, my girlfriend was feeling ill. She requested comfort food, which I volunteered to procure; this led me to Dairy Queen to obtain a marshmallow and chocolate sundae for her and a Skor blizzard of entirely too large a volume for any sane consumption for me. I entered the establishment and made my way to the counter, attracting a great deal of attention as I went. This is normal, currently, as I have a shaven head. My head is shaven because I have been partaking in chemotherapy, and most, but not all, of my hair had fallen out. The shaved pate was a concession to convenience, cleanliness and fashion. Having obliged myself of the necessity of the first two conditions, I was pleased to discover that my naked head is of a pleasant shape. Having said that, I am certain that, due to my otherwise completely Aryan physiology, I incur in others the question: is this man a Nazi?

This was the first thing my mother asked me when first I buzzed my hair short. My answer is the same now as it was then: SIEG HEIL, I mean no, no I am not. Was that over the top? I can never tell.

At any rate, people stare at me a lot. Never more so than when I am wearing a SARS mask, because I am immuno-suppressed, but that's a given: if you see someone wearing a germ mask, it raises questions, draws the eye. I wouldn't have thought a shaved head was that big of a deal. Maybe my girlfriend is writing obscenities on the back of my head while I sleep. Who knows? Certainly not I.

As I approached the counter, I noticed a foursome of college girls off to one side, looking at Ice Cream Cakes, saying "OMG" and waiting for their orders. This I mention only because of what happened next. As I was waiting for the signal to come to the till to place my order, a large man in Star Wars t-shirt came up behind me. He was approximately 6'3", about 250 lbs, and sported both a terrible beard and a toque in the shape of Shadow the Hedgehog's head. 

This is Shadow the Hedgehog.

Several years ago, Sega decided that Sonic wasn't edgy enough, and set out to make him more "extreme" by association. Shadow was the result. As you can see, he's black, has a motorcycle and guns, and I can only assume he has "attitude."

This is a Shadow the Hedgehog hat.

Follow this link for other angles of said hat: Shadow the Hedgehog hat at Cutesense 

Between this hat, the Star Wars t-shirt, and his ensuing actions, I feel quite safe in describing this man as both a giant nerd (and I'm nerdy) and an awkward turtle. Allow me to explain. He walked up behind me, glanced at me for a split second, broke eye contact and stared at the college girls' butts for a full second, looked back at me, met my eyes and saw that I had seen him look at said asses, and then he looked down and ashamed, all once. He then faded behind a pillar and hid, staying there until the girls left. He did not make eye contact with me again, nor with the cashier.

Neither his nerdiness, nor his awkwardness would have been particularly relevant on their own, but combined... well...

Poor little feller.

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