Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fro fro

Hello, Internet. 

It's been a while, how are you?  I'm fine, been taking exams.  Say hi to your mother for me.

I've just had the strangest dream.  At least, the end of it was something strange, that's really all I remember. Here goes:

In my high school gymnasium, and through the healing power of dodgeball:  I, a black kung-fu-master-gym-teacher just helped a flamboyantly gay kid and a little black kid with a semi-progressive physical handicap come to terms with themselves and deal with their anger at the world.

Oh, and it was 1969.  Racial overtones were definitely part of the dream.  Should have seen the afro I was rockin'.

I woke up cry-laughing because the disabled kid and I had just had a serious heart -to-heart and I, in the process of showing him the brighter side, cracked a joke about how he'd have an edge when it came to picking up girls because he was going to have wheels way before his brother and his friends.  

That's right.  In my dream, I made a wheelchair joke to a little handicapped boy.   Luckily, it went over well.


  1. ... wow, just wow.. lol.

  2. OMG I wish I could remember my dreams that well...what kind of drugs give you those kind of dreams anyways??

    PS Andre loves when I sleeptalk/move/swim...we shall talk about this topic next time I see you. Tho the next time I see you, I hope you won't be super drunk...yet. Cheers! Cherry Mistmas!!

  3. Aren't you supposed to say "say hi to your mother for me" as a parting pleasantry and not a greeting? Anyhoo, I love it when I wake up laughing from my own dream-jokes!

    Say hi to your mother for me.

