It is the night before Christmas, and I swear to whatever you hold holy that I'm not writing a ripoff holiday poem. It literally is the night before Christmas.
I spent the day thusly:
- A haircut was procured, largely as a present to my mother. I'm looking good.
- Drinks and Jenga were had/played for several hours. My father was new to the game, but plays like a champion dick.
- Food. Food, food, more food, then food mixed with food to make other food.
- Cleanup and drinks.
- New fleece pyjama pants (it's a tradition. My sister is in head-to-toe reindeers. Rudolph is her bitch.).
- Terrible tv xmas specials.
Christmas is kind of awesome this year. Just sayin.'
:) I made Christmas awesome for my nieces with zhuzhu pets. They loved those little things. I think you guys need one. Also, we have a new game to bring over as well. Zombie dice. Anyone from a 5 year old to a drunk person can play it. Super easy. See you on the 29th :)